

Wife, artist, small business owner & coach. I believe in integrity, love and in not judging others. I'm an introvert and my strengths are my resilience & ability to understand. I continue moving forward, even if it's the smallest steps, and I can put myself in others’ shoes to understand many points of view. I fear failure - not living up to my own expectations. I love living the yurt life with my husband out in the woods by a fire, enjoying nature and eachothers company. My worst day was the morning after I was sexually abused. I didn't know what to do and I was in fear for my life. I had no idea what was about to happen after I told my mother and the police. All I felt was betrayal and exhaustion. Around 25 I figured out art was my true calling. I struggle with constantly questioning my abilities and career path. I've experienced tremendous loss in my life and at times I fear I'll lose my creativity and drive, too. But, I am resilient and even in the darkest times I pick up a paintbrush and see what comes out of that pain. My biggest insecurity is not being good enough. It's a consistent fight. Sometimes I sit in it while other times I correct the belief immediately and continue to show up. I'm biracial and sometimes I feel like I don't fit in, particularly when I'm showing in a gallery in a predominantly white town where I'm the only mixed woman there. My favorite body part would have to be my hands - they enable me to create and bring things to life. For years I picked my body apart, but now I'm extremely confident in my body, whether I'm extremely fit or thicker. I've learned to love my body no matter what state it's in. I'd tell a 12 year old me that although things may get challenging she will come out of the darkness. I wish there was more acceptance and support in the world. Happiness comes from creativity, nature and love. Beauty is found in authenticity. I'm excited about my art career. In 10 years I hope to be in the middle of the woods next to the lake on my private property, painting. I'm proud of my emotional growth & personal development. I love to paint, swim, hike and kayak. I am Ciara. I’m powerful and resilient. I am strong.



